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of people struggle with over 20 passwords, just in personal life.
of data breaches are the result of weak orreused passwords.
On average, a single password reset costsan enterprise $70.
The global average cost of a data breachincreased to $4.35 million.
Passwords can be easily stolen by hackers. By going passwordless with FIDO authentication standard, organizations can use modern stronger methods, like security keys, to prevent account takeovers.
Remembering and managing complex passwords can be a pain. Passwordless authentication makes lifemuch easier for users because they no longer deal with passwords. Instead, they enjoy safer easier loginswith their existing devices such as smartphones, contactless fobs, and ID badges.
Organizations often waste time and money on helping users who forget their passwords or get locked outof their accounts. With passwordless authentication, these problems disappear, support teams can focuson more important things, and organizations can save some budget.
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