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Let’s run some numbers to realize significant cost savings from deploying IDmelon phishing-resistant passwordless solution for your workforce authentication!
Our calculator helps you estimate and see how much your company can save by going passwordless with IDmelon instead of maintaining the traditional username-password authentication method, and also estimate and compare the profit or loss on your organization’s investment in deploying passwordless authentication with IDmelon instead of hardware security key deployment.
Please fill out the information to proceed to the calculator.
We work hard to ensure that the results presented by our calculator are correct and accurate. However, our calculator is provided for illustrative purposes only, they do not take your personal circumstances into consideration and the results are not guaranteed to be accurate or fit for any purpose. The presented results should not be taken as professional advice, or relied upon as the sole basis for making important decisions.
To get answers to your unique questions, we are here to help.
We work hard to ensure that the results presented by our calculator are correct and accurate. However, our calculator is provided for illustrative purposes only, they do not take your personal circumstances into consideration and the results are not guaranteed to be accurate or fit for any purpose. The presented results should not be taken as professional advice, or relied upon as the sole basis for making important decisions.
To get answers to your unique questions, we are here to help.
This ROI calculation is made considering hardware security key life expectancy, hardware security key replacement rate per year, login duration time, password rest costs etc.
Total Savings
Gains in Employee Productivity
720 Hours
Huge costs your organization is incurring with HR for hardware purchase, shipment, storage, delivery, and replacement are NOT included. Neither your budget spent on employee onboarding and training.
Total Savings
Gains in Employee Productivity
1,445 Hours
Costs that your organization is incurring with measures and tools that make up for the shortcomings of passwords are NOT included. Neither your budget allocated to security awareness training, automated attack detection, or password managers.
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