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The accessibility of smartphones makes them a globally popular all-in-one device that people use for almost anything and barely keep them out of sight. And with installing IDmelon Authenticator app on your smartphone, only within a few minutes, you can easily use it to log in to your accounts, such as Twitter or GitHub.
IDmelon AuthenticatorTo start using your smartphone as a security key, you need to either pair your smartphone with your PC or have an IDmelon Reader. Each method of use has unique benefits and can be chosen depending on user types and workplace needs and policies.
With one IDmelon Reader, organizations can replace the traditional username-password method with a smooth tap-and-login experience, making logins much safer, faster, and easier for employees.
Users will no longer have to juggle with passwords! They will not need to plug a hardware key in and out frequently or worry about losing or forgetting them, either.
Only a single tap on a notification on smartphone screen is enough to verify your identity and approve your sign-in request within a few seconds.
Hardware USB security keys are easily lost, forgotten, or damaged by users, but smartphones are naturally everywhere with you are rarely out of sight.
Using a device that you already own means cutting recurring costs of HR for new hardware management, onboarding, and replacement when lost or damaged.
Have all security keys on one device to protect your personal and organizational accounts against takeovers. Affordable. Time saving. Doesn’t take much physical space.
Access your FIDO login credentials on different devices of yours including new ones, without having to register each device on every account again.
Detect whether PC and user’s smartphone are near each other or not, so as to protect data from unauthorized access.
Access your data anytime from wherever you are, even when you are on airplane or don’t have internet connection.
IDmelon Authenticator is easy to set up on smartphones and simple to use, making it the perfect solution for a wide range of use cases and industries, such as retail, education, healthcare, financial services, etc.
Your organization has unique unmet security needs, and we help you meet them effectively and affordably. Whatever your security concerns and needs are, IDmelon helps to protect your business and empower your digital success. Reach us at sales@idmelon.com for your unique questions and concerns.
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