Say Hello to the Manageable Passwordless Solution Provided by IDmelon

The world is becoming passwordless. Although the lack of security and the vulnerability of the information have encouraged organizations to improve their security systems through passwordless solutions, companies are still concerned about investing in physical security keys, due to their costs and lack of management. To address this issue, the IDmelon Passwordless Orchestration Platform (IPOP) was created.
IDmelon Passwordless Orchestration Platform delivers all the features you need altogether to improve your security and protect your data, with a completely costless and time-saving solution. IPOP is the first and only orchestration platform in the market which allows FIDO key management. It means organizations can see users’ security-related activities and manage permissions, platforms, and users with a few clicks, through an optimized and easy-to-use admin panel.
Another highlighted feature is enabling users to use their existing devices. With IPOP, you can empower your staff to turn their devices, such as smartphones, badges or key fobs into managed FIDO2 security keys. This solution reduces the costs of replacing broken or lost USB security keys. It’s beneficial for users, too, since it’s not convenient to carry extra devices, which can be easily left behind at home, lost, or damaged.

The platform also provides Simple Sign-On for Single Sign-On, so it’s possible to have all applications in a single platform. It means you sign in once and access all your allowed platforms, without the need for typing a username and password to log in to each of them.
All these benefits are concentrated in a single solution and, no matter how many users you have, it can be deployed overnight, through a simple and fast implementation that allows users, and innovation.