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IDmelon Pairing Tool Icon

IDmelon Pairing Tool

Microsoft Icon


Compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11 (Azure AD joined).

macOS Icon


Compatible with macOS 11.5 or later.

Card Reader Drivers Icon

Card Reader Drivers

Compatible with Windows 10 or later.

Compatible with macOS 12 or later.

Workflow Automations Icon

Workflow Automations

Entra ID Provisioning Tool

Weblogin extension Icon

WebLogin Extension

IDmelon Authenticator Icon

IDmelon Authenticator

Apple Icon


Mobile and Tablet

Compatible with iOS 15.6 or above.

Android Icon


Mobile and Tablet

Compatible with Android 6.0 or above.

Other Tools Icon

On-premise domain joined login

Windows Lock Screen Page

FIDO Credential Provider (FCP)

IDmelon FIDO Credential Provider (IDmelon FCP) lets users with local or on-premise AD accounts use their security keys for login to Windows devices. Learn More

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