Advanced Authentication
for CJIS

IDmelon with its FIDO-based technology delivers robust, user-friendly multi-factor authentication (MFA) solutions for law enforcement officers, first responders, and government and justice officials, who need timely access to critical criminal justice information (CJI). IDmelon enhances security, productivity, and agility while ensuring compliance with CJIS authentication mandates.

secure authentication for solutions for law enforcement officers, first responders, and government and justice officials

CJIS Compliant Identifiers for Secure Workforce Authentication by IDmelon

Meet CJIS compliance requirements effortlessly and smoothly with IDmelon's authentication options. Our passwordless orchestration platform adapts to your agency's unique needs, supporting different identifiers and automating workflows. From badge taps to biometrics and more, IDmelon delivers secure authentication solutions.


Secure MFA is made as simple as an ID badge tap on a reader.



Leverage your unique physical characteristics to verify your identity.



Secure authentication can be as easy as unlocking a mobile device with facial recognition.

How IDmelon helps meet modern authentication requirements for CJIS Compliance

Reduced Password Risk

IDmelon eliminates the reliance on traditional passwords, a common target for cyberattacks. By implementing FIDO-based authentication, IDmelon reduces the risk of unauthorized access through compromised passwords or phishing attempts.

Phishing-resistant Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

IDmelon provides a second layer of authentication beyond something you know (password) to something you have (ID badge). This MFA approach adds a significant layer of security for accessing sensitive systems and data.

Centralized Management

IDmelon offers a centralized platform for managing user access and security keys. This allows IT administrators to easily monitor activity, enforce conditional access policies, and revoke access if/when needed.

Optimized User Experience

IDmelon simplifies the login process with familiar existing identifiers, like secure badge taps or biometrics, minimizing human error and enhancing security protocol adherence..

Suggested Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our team.
Can I test it for free?
Yes. You can create an account in IDmelon Admin Panel now and start with unlimited security keys for free.
Is there any manual to guide me through setting up an account (either individual or business account)?
Yes, a complete guide is available at
What is the difference between IDmelon reader and a card reader?
The IDmelon reader, is a proprietary piece of hardware which helps you to experience a tap and login with your smartphone as a security key. But, when you want to use your badge or ID card for tap and login, you need to provide a card reader (such as rf IDEAS).
Does it work only for Windows?
No, you can have a tap and login experience for any OS or app that supports FIDO and WebAuthn.
How does billing work?
The IDmelon supports pay-as-you-go method for enterprises. For individuals, only yearly subscription is available, and if you want to use passkeys, you need the Premium plan.

Unlimited Security Keys for 2 Weeks

Join IDmelon to protect your organization's data from cybercrime.
No credit card required.
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