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We all have an ever-growing list of passwords to juggle on a daily basis which give us a headache. No matter how strong our a passwords can be by making them to be long, a combination of different character types, unguessable, random, regularly changed, not reused, still stolen passwords are one of the most commonplace causes of data breaches.
With all the effort and time spent on struggling with passwords and trying not to be locked out from a forgotten password, think about the cost of missed opportunities and work from wasting productive time!
According to Gartner, 20% to 50% of all IT help desk calls are for password resets, which cost organizations time and resources. So, password resets only replaces the problem with another problem.
FIDO2 (Fast IDentity Online) protocol is the strongest standards-based authentication available. With FIDO, in addition to security, users can have a convenient passwordless login experience.
This standard uses security keys for passwordless authentication and is widely supported by all browsers, operation systems, and leading companies' products and services, including Microsoft, Google, and Apple.
IDmelon empowers organizations to deploy FIDO as simply and quickly as possible and scale affordably and enables staff to use whatever devices they own as a FIDO security key. A great experience for both users and IT administrators.
It’s a race against time for organizations to protect themselves from the constant threat of hacking and phishing attacks. IDmelon Passwordless Orchestration Platform (IPOP) provides a solution that is not only effective and secure, but also fast and convenient.
Admins can automatically import users and groups from Azure AD or a CSV file into the IDmelon Credential Lifecycle Management Admin Panel.
Admins use Panel to assign FIDO2 form factors by a simple process to onboard users’ new or already deployed smartphones, contactless cards / ID badges, and key fobs as a FIDO2 USB security key.
IT admins can also create security policies for security keys such as time or location restrictions.
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