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Managed Passkeys

The best way to enhance security while logging in to any platform using FIDO security keys.

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Key Benefits

  • Login credentials,
  • Recoverable credentials,
  • Users' data.

Why Passwords are the Problem

Passkeys are keys protected by cryptography that allow users to sign in with an extra layer of security, whatever platform they log in to.

Managed passkeys which are not bound to any specific FIDO security key or platform guarantee users can access FIDO login credentials on any device they own, without the need for registering their credentials in each of them again.

It brings more security to users and data, making those accessible for allowed users only. It also keeps employees safe and productive, instead of worrying about passwords and credentials.

IDmelon managed passkeys do not require any specific setup since the only action you need to take is to create an account and activate the security key. It is the best way to enhance security and can be used on any device you want.

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