Why is Authentication Important in Healthcare, and What is the Best Solution?

September 4, 2023
Mina Roohi
4 min read
Last update:
September 3, 2023
In the healthcare, doctors and nurses should have access to patients' sensitive data the fastest and safest way possible.

Why is authentication important in healthcare?

Cybersecurity is an especially important component of healthcare because of the sensitive data that is shared and stored. Patient medical records contain information including insurance information, bank account information, family history etc. that could be incredibly damaging if it were to get into the wrong hands, and so it is essential that healthcare providers take steps to protect this information.

Cybersecurity measures help to ensure that only authorized users can access and use this information, and that malicious actors are unable to access it. Additionally, healthcare organizations often rely on connected medical devices to monitor, diagnose diseases, and treat patients, both remotely and on-site, and these devices need to be protected from cyberattacks. Cybersecurity measures help to prevent hackers from disrupting medical services or accessing confidential information, freeing caregivers to fully focus on their patients’ needs and ensuring that healthcare organizations are providing high-quality care to their patients.

What are the benefits of passwordless for healthcare?

Passwords are an inadequate way of authenticating workforce, as around more than 80% of data breaches are due to weak or stolen passwords. And 2FA with mobile notification is both time-consuming and phishable: you need to have your mobile around you and wait for an OTP to appear on your mobile screen to be able to log in, and despite all the time and efforts, this authentication method is vulnerable to many attacks, such as the man in the middle.

Going passwordless offers many benefits to the healthcare industry. It can help protect patient data, enable faster and more secure access to health information, and reduce the risk of data breaches. It eliminates the need for users to remember multiple passwords, reduces the amount of time healthcare staff spend resetting passwords and dealing with security issues, and instead, makes it easier and faster for them to access their accounts. Passwordless authentication can help healthcare organizations meet compliance standards, such as HIPAA, by ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to patient records. It all will result in improving the quality of care and therefore patient satisfaction.

What is the best authentication solution?

The best authentication method for the healthcare industry is passwordless through tap-and-login. It provides convenience without compromising on the level of security. It is an all-in-one package: fast, simple, and safe. And IDmelon takes it to a whole other level by empowering healthcare organizations to leverage their existing employee ID badges and smartphones as a managed FIDO security key for logical access. Employees can therefore use devices they already have and methods they already know to increase security. It takes only a single tap to log in and focus on what matters the most: better serving patients and saving lives.

Allowing the use of employees’ existing devices and requiring no changes to the existing systems will also make overnight deployment possible and affordable. IDmelon Passwordless Orchestration Platform (IPOP) offers a unique solution that simplifies both deployment and management for IT administrators, too. It enables them to have full control over access to systems, manage activities on security keys, and create security policies to make sure that everyone is who they say they are and that who should have access to what, when and from where!

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